Jungle Tours in the Amazon Jungle

We do jungle tours to Maçarico which is located 90 kilometers from Manaus. You can choose between 2 to 5 days. You will sleep in a nice jungle lodge at night and go on adventures during the day. We will go animal spotting in the jungle, you will learn basic jungle survival skills, and gain some cool knowledge about the plants and animals of the Amazon river and rainforest. The jungle lodge tours always start and end in Manaus and all transportation is included in the price.

Jungle Lodge & Adventure Tour
(5 days / 4 nights)

From749 USD675 USD
5 days / 4 nights

Jungle Lodge & Adventure Tour
(4 days / 3 nights)

From599 USD539 USD
4 days / 3 nights

Jungle Lodge & Adventure Tour
(3 days / 2 nights)

From449 USD399 USD
3 days / 2 nights

Jungle Lodge & Adventure Tour
(2 days / 1 night)

From299 USD269 USD
2 days / 1 night

Deep Jungle Tours from Manaus

9 days / 8 nights jungle tours
Deep Jungle Tours from Manaus

We also offer extraordinary deep jungle tours to Maraã which is located 900 kilometers from Manaus. These tours always start and end in Manaus and all transportation is included in the price. You will get to experience some of the most pristine and untouched parts of the Amazon rainforest. We guarantee that this experience will stay with you for the rest of your life.

You can choose between two deep jungle tours. The adventure tour focuses on jungle trekking, survival skills and learning about the flora and fauna of the Amazon jungle. The indigenous community tour focuses primarily on the culture of the native inhabitants of the Amazon rainforest, but you will also get to experience some of the amazing animals of the jungle.

Indigenous Community Deep Jungle Tour (9 days)

From1,899 USD1,699 USD
9 days / 8 nights

Amazon Adventure Deep Jungle Tour (9 days)

From1,899 USD1,699 USD
9 days / 8 nights

Swimming with Dolphins

Private Day Tour

Exclusive private day tour packed with activities. You will see The Meeting of the Waters, visit Parque Ecologico January, meet an indigenous tribe and last but not least you will get to swim with the amazing pink dolphins of the Amazon.

The Best Amazon Tours in Brazil

When traveling abroad, there are often two sides to every destination. On the one side, you can visit the typical spots of interest and see the more polished, high-traffic areas that cater to tourists. This is the most popular way to experience a destination, and it can certainly offer plenty of unique memories. However, the other side of traveling abroad is taking a more immersive approach. Instead of going where everyone else has been, you can choose to go where the locals go, live how they live and enjoy a richer slice of culture by diving deeply into a brand new experience.

This second option is at the heart of Amazon Deep Jungle Tours, and it’s what sets us apart from other Brazilian tour agencies that offer Amazon rainforest tours. Amazon Deep Jungle Tours is the result of one man’s deep passion for his Amazonian roots combined with a lot of hard work and dedication. Eduardo Tenhave is a native of the small, remote village of Maraã, which is located 920 kilometers from Manaus. His intense love for the Amazon and his family’s way of life, combined with his intrepid spirit and desire to connect with others, has led him to found this unique travel agency.

Amazon Deep Jungle Tours give people the chance to be fully immersed in the sights, sounds and lifestyle of Maraã, and allows you to safely enjoy the breathtaking beauty and wonder of the virgin Amazon jungle that surrounds Maraã. We want to create authentic and unforgettable adventures for visitors from around the world.

Our two destinations: Maraã and Maçarico

Our Amazon rainforest tours are unlike any that you can find anywhere else in Brazil. There are plenty of tour agencies to choose from, but there are none that can offer you a genuine and unique adventure like we can. Amazon Deep Jungle Tours takes great pride in offering a number of exciting tours that range from as little as two days to a full nine-day immersive experiences that will change your life. Regardless of which tour you choose, you will be treated to a trip that is packed full of amazing adventure, breathtaking beauty and wonderful people.


Maraã is the jewel of our Amazon tours, so we offer multiple ways for visitors to experience this unique local community and the surrounding area. Because it is so remote, all of our tours span multiple days so that you can enjoy the trip and absorb as much of the wild beauty of the Amazon as possible during your stay. Each of the 9-day Amazon jungle tours highlights a different aspect of Maraã and the indigenous way of life.

The Indigenous Community Tour

This tour spans nine days and allows visitors to become truly immersed in the culture of Maraã. The primary focus of this tour is to let you experience every aspect of the Maraã way of life, from fishing for your lunch to conversing with the locals about their daily lives.

One of the best parts of this tour is how connected to nature and each other you will begin to feel. The locals will be able to teach you a lot of new things about how their everyday lives go, and you will learn about a broad variety of techniques that the indigenous people use to not only survive but thrive within the depths of the Amazon rainforest.

This Amazon forest tour will also include plenty of opportunities for you to see and experience the jungle in all of its wild glory. The local guides are highly experienced in navigating through the jungle, and they will be able to point out all kinds of flora and fauna that are native to the area.

As a part of this tour, you will get to visit a few of the villages in the Maraã area and even spend a night in the rainforest living off the land just like the locals do. The tour guides are all residents of the area who have spent their entire lives in the Amazon, so you will be in excellent and capable hands the entire time.

The Adventure Tour

If you love adventure and exploration, or you want a truly immersive Amazon jungle tour, the rapids tour is an excellent trip to embark upon.

Instead of spending the bulk of your time becoming acquainted with the Maraã locals, you will spend the majority of the trip camping in the jungle near the Comapi rapids. You and your local guides will explore various fishing and hunting techniques to catch each meal, and you will learn about how to track and hunt animals.

During your treks through the jungle, you will get to learn about various medicinal and edible plants while also learning about the abundant wildlife that you will not see in other, more commercialized portions of the jungle.

Near the end of the tour, you will be able to get a glimpse of the indigenous culture and visit with the Maraã locals. You will get to see how the natives do things like cultivate crops, create food staples and make various other tools that they use to get through each day.


Maçarico is closer to Manaus than Maraã, but it still offers visitors plenty of opportunities for a unique jungle experience. Just 90 kilometers outside of Manaus, the jungle survival lodge in Maçarico is the perfect place to travel for a short, highly memorable adventure.

You can choose an excursion from 2-5 days in length, and your trip will be packed with the amazing sights and sounds of the Amazon rainforest regardless of how long you choose to stay.

During your excursion to Maçarico, you will get to swim and canoe in the Amazon river, search for native wildlife, catch wild caiman, learn to fish for your meals and so much more. You will have the opportunity to camp beneath the stars, meet with native residents of the jungle and experience how the jungle comes alive during the day as well as at night.

What makes us unique?

The Amazon is a true wonder of the world. It spans nearly 40 percent of South America, and it encompasses 1.4 billion acres of tropical forest and over 6,500 kilometers of river. There are 40,000 species of plants, 3,000 kinds of freshwater fish and over 370 species of reptiles, and this staggering list barely scratches the surface.

The absolutely astounding amount of plant and animal life that is found in the Amazon basin means that you could spend a lifetime exploring and still not see everything there is to see. This is why we choose to base our tours out of Maraã.

We take you where nobody else does

There are plenty of well-trodden places that tourists can visit to say that they’ve seen the Amazon, but we choose to take our guests to more remote and untouched locations so that you can get a true glimpse of the forest without human interference.

Our agency is the only one based in Maraã, so our tours are truly unlike any others available to you.

We teach you true Amazon culture

We believe in letting you experience the “back to nature” lifestyle that the people of Maraã live. We will teach you how to thrive as the locals do. The villagers are quite literally our family, and they are thrilled to meet new people and share their culture with you. They have lived in harmony with nature for generations, and they love to teach others how to appreciate the bounty of the Amazon.

No other tour agency has the kind of rapport with the indigenous people that we have, so your experience with us will have a level of authenticity that cannot be found anywhere else.

We are locals

Our authenticity and commitment to supporting the local communities is what sets us apart from other Amazon tour groups. All of our guides are natives, and everything we do is with the intent of bringing as much prosperity as possible to the people whose communities we are visiting.

Because we are a part of the people we are taking you to visit, you will have the privilege of getting to see the true culture of the Amazon rather than a more sanitized and “tourist-centered” experience.

We offer a unique bridge between your way of life and the culture of the Maraã people so that you can expand your horizons and take a small piece of the Amazon home in your heart.

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